Tips to Rise & Ride

Early Risers for the Win!

Are early morning workouts better for you? Well, no, but it sure does feel good to be done with your workout by 7am. There’s research about working out at different hours of the day but it just boils down to when will you actually fit it in. The nice thing about early morning is that YOU are usually the only thing to get in your way. Evening workouts get sidelined by late nights at work, calls from friends to go out, guilt about spending time away from family, etc. As long as you get up with your alarm, not a whole lot can get in the way of an early workout.

So, how can I get it done?

1)      Book the class. Use the system as your motivator. You don’t want to lose that credit so book the class the day before.

2)      Set 2 alarms. I always set 2 that are 3 minutes apart so if I snooze on one, I’m not fully asleep again when I get hit by alarm #2.

3)      Get a workout partner. It’s hard to skip when you know a friend is waiting. You can also use the coaches as a motivator – tell us you’re coming that way we can hold you accountable!

4)      Plan your breakfast or post-workout snack – maybe it’s just me but I’m a breakfast person and if I can think ahead to my post-workout meal that also helps motivate me to get going.

5)      Lay out your clothes/gym bag the day before. I love the benefit of working out early but I don’t want to get up any earlier than necessary. Lay out your workout clothes so no time is spent looking for what you need when you’re half asleep.

What should I eat/drink before or after?

IF you want to eat before, do a small portion of carbs and protein (ideally 30-60 mins ahead). That could be peanut butter toast or anything else quick and easy. It’s not necessary to eat before your workout though. Lots of people find their stomachs just aren’t ready and that’s ok.

AFTER your workout, it’s best to have some carbs to refuel and some protein to help rebuilt and repair muscles. My personal favorite is poached eggs on avocado toast but the options are endless.

What about coffee?

Again here, it’s a matter of preference. There is plenty of research that says a dose of caffeine before your workout can actually boost your athletic performance. That may come at a cost though if it gives you GI upset. I’m a 2 cup of coffee kind of gal so I like to have a cup before and a cup after but that’s what I’ve found works for me and it may not work for you.

Set those alarms and we’ll see you before the sun comes up! We promise a workout you’ll be glad you got up for. Book an early class!


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